
Noemi Padilla has been a nurse for almost 25 years and, for four years, worked at Tampa Women's Health as an LPN and clinical nursing supervisor, performing abortions up to 23 weeks and 6 days. In 2017, she resigned from her position and believes that the decision she made to abort her twins contributed to her accepting a job at an abortion clinic. She has witnessed firsthand the widespread trauma among former abortion workers, often resulting in struggles with addiction, depression, anxiety, disrupted sleep, and various other mental health problems. With God's help, the journey of restoration, healing, and recovery is possible. Today, Noemi is on the front lines, dedicated to saving many lives.

Noemi Padilla

Nurse and Client Support Specialist with

And Then There Were None (ATTWN)

These are the scriptures that have spoken deeply to Noemi's heart and the resources that she shared. 

Noemi shared her testimony on Truth, Talk & Testimonies

Noemi's broadcast interview is being transcribed and will be available in a few weeks. :)

Abby Johnson, CEO + Founder

And Then There Were None (ATTWN)

****Text or call (888) 570-5501 to get started on the path to freedom outside the abortion industry**** 

Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers -- Five locations in Florida